Avrirsa could be considered the homeworld of the universe’s deities, as they can often be found in the terrestrial plane and interacting with mortals. Avrirsan deities believe acting in-person is the best way to handle their individual roles, and as such can frequently be found in their temples across the world.

After The Split, many deities began to shirk their duties and indulge in more carnal, frivolous pursuits, leading to unrest among the mortal population. Even deities with the best of intentions struggled to fulfill their roles, due to the inability to access all the regions that required help.

A prime example of this would be X’shmir. With the deities incapable of hearing the people’s prayers, the Humans inhabiting the flying island lost faith in the existence of deities after two centuries of isolation.

Also referred to as Racial Gods, Lower Gods are the matriarchal and patriarchal deities of each race (and in some cases, species.)

Most of the Lower Gods directly rule over a city-state, country, or other forms of territory where their species is believed to have originated.

Example: Lucifer, the God of Devillians, rules the Vorpmasian Empire, which is comprised of territories belonging to each of Devillian races.

Notable Lower Gods

  • Lucifer Shujare – God of Devillians (Species)
  • Ellena Vraelimir – Goddess of Adinvyr
  • Lysander Vraelimir – God of Adinvyr
  • Aelia Il’thar – Goddess of Draekin
  • Ve’r Il’thar – God of Draekin
  • Hadyn – Goddess of Humans (Species)
  • Edan – God of Humans (Species)
  • Rabere Inej Derkesthai – God of Vampires
  • Amakiir – God of Varjior (Species)

To be continued…

Middle Gods rule lesser concepts, such as anything to do with hunting, gathering, or creating things. Gods of forging, painting, writing, and other such ‘lesser’ concepts would all be classified as Middle Gods, and they are among the most common to be found on the terrestrial plane.

Temples devoted to the Middle Gods often double as schools where people can learn life skills.

Upper Gods rule major concepts, such as love (physical and emotional,) chaos, good and evil, justice, war, and nature. These deities are more directly responsible for the well-being of Avrirsa and the people living on it.

Their personal interference varies broadly by role and personality.

Notable Upper Gods

  • Llrissa – Goddess of Justice
  • Sebastian – God of Chaos
  • Erist’il – Goddess of Love (Physical)
  • Arom’il – God of Love (Emotional)
  • Elise – Goddess of War
  • Aurelian – God of War
  • Ceres – Goddess of Nature

To be continued…

The role of Balance directly serves the Elder Gods. Their primary purpose is to make certain nothing disrupts the Elders’ plans for Avrirsa too greatly. They are directly responsible for keeping the universe from getting to a state in which the Elder Gods would want to press the ‘reset’ button on the universe.

In addition to making certain no one person, race, or species gains too much power, Balance is also responsible for making certain the other deities are doing their respective jobs.

Balance also serves as the Elders’ sword, slaying any Exiled Gods—and their twisted creations.

Well, that would be spoilers, now wouldn’t it, darling?